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Develop your personality.



    Personality is nothing but the aggregate conlomeraton of memoris and incidents in an
    Individual's entire life span.

    Enviromental factor,family bqackground ,finacial conditions, genetic factors,situtions and circumstances also contribute to an individual's personality.

     In a laayman's language,how we behave in our day lives reflects our personality.How an individual behave with a trubled chilhood would not up easily. He/she would always hesitate to open his heart in front of others.Some kind of fear would always be there within him.An individual who never had any major problems in life would be an extrvert and would never have issuse interacting and socializing with others. You really can't background or past life.It is quite possible that as a child,he was not allowed to go out of home, play and freak out with friends. These individuals starts outside.Such a mindset soon becames their only world and they are not safe outside.Such a mindset soon became their personality.

     Personailty also inflences what we think, our beliefs, values and expecations.What we think about others depends on our personality.
     In a layman's language personality is defined as the personal qualities and characteristics of an indiual wich makes him different from  the others .it is our personality which makes us unique and helps and helps us stand apart from the crowd.

    Following are the factor which helps in shaping one's personality:

    1.Heredity- Heredity refers to factors that are determined once an individual is boarn.An individual's physique,attrsctiveness,body type,complexion,body  weight depend on his/her parents biological makeup.

    2.Environment-The environment to which an individual is subjected to during his growing years plays an impotant role in deteeming his/her personality. The varied cultures in which we arer brought up and our family background have a crucial role in shaping our personalities.

    3. Situation-An individual's perasonalty also cahnges with current circumastances and situions. An individual would behave in a different way when he has enough saving with him and his behavior would automatically change when he is bankrupt.

    An individual's appearance,character,intelligence,atrrsctiveness,effcieny,style determine his/her personality.

    What is personality Development …

    Personality development is defined as a process of developing and enchacing one's peraonality. Personality helps an individual to gain confidence and high self esteem.
     Personality development also to have a positive impact on one's communicatuion skills and the way he see the world.Individuals tend to develop a positive sttitude as a result as a result of personality development.

         Imporatance of personality Development…

    *personality development grooms an indivduals and helps him make a mark a mark of his/her own.

    Individuals need to have a style of their own for others to follows them .Do not blindly copy others.
    You need to set an example for peopele around.
    Personality development not only makes you to set an examplke for people aruond.Personality development not only makes look and presentable but also helps you face world with a smile.

    *personality development goes s long way in reducing sress and conflicts.It encourages individulas to look at the brighter sides of life.Face even the wrost situation with a smile.Trust me,flashing your trillion dollar smile will not only melt half of your problems but also evaporate your stress and worries.There is no point cribbing over minor issues and problems.

    *Personality development helps you develop a positive in life.An individual with a negative attitude finds a problems in every situation.Rather than cribbing angd criticizing people around,analyze the whole situation and try to find an appropriate for the same.Remember,if there is a problem,there has to be a solution as well. Never lose your cool.It would make the situatuion worse.

    It is essential for individual to behave well around.Being polite with others will not only make you popular among other people but also earn you respsct and pride.You can't demand respecty by being rude with peopele around. Personality development plyas an impotant role in development not only your outer but also inner self. Human being is a social animal.One need people towards him . You need to have thet magnetic power which attract people towards him. You need to have charisma of yours.Personality development
    Helps you gain recognition and acceptance from the society as well as people around.

    One should never carry  his/her attitude or personal grudges to work.Office is not a palce where you can be rude to other just because you had a fight with your friend last night .Personality development session help you difference between your personal as well as professional life.It is really essentaul to keep a balance both the lives to lead a peaceful and stress free life.    




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