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    A Blog A trucation of weblog is a discussion or information websitr published on the World Wide Web consisiting of discreate, often informal diary-style text entries( post) . Posts are typically  dispalyed in reverse chronological order, so that the most recent post appears first, at the top of the web page. Until 2009, blogs were usually the work of a single individual, occasionally of a small group, and often coverd a single subject or topic. In the 2010s, ''multiauthor blogs ''( MABs) emerged, featuring the writing of multiple authors and sometimes professionally edited. MABs from newspapers , other media outlet, universities, think tanks , advocany grups, and similar institutions account for an icreaing quantity of blogs traffic. The rise of Twitter and other ''microblogging'' system helps integrate MABs and single -authors blogs into the news media . Blog can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or ad content to a blog.

    The emergence and growth of blogs in the late 1990s coincided with the adevent of web publishing tools that faciliated the posting of content by non-technical users who did not have much experience with HTML or computer progarmming. Previously, a knowledge of such technologies with HTML and File Transfer Protocol had been required to publish content on the Wb, and early Web users therfore tended  to be hackers and computer enthusiasts. In the 2010s, the majority are interactive Web 2.0 websites, aloowing visitors to leave online comments, and it is this interactivity that distinguishes from other static websites. In that sense, blogging can be seen as a from of social networking service. Indeed, bloggers not only produce content to post on their blogs but also often build social relation with their readers and other bloggers. However, there high-readership blogs which do not allow comments.

    Many  blogs provide commentary on a particular subject or topic, ranging from politics to sports. Others function as more personal online diaries, and other function more as online brand advertising of a particular  individual or company. A typical blog combines text , digital images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other medis ralated ti tips topic. The ability of readers to leave publicly viewable comments, and interact with other commenters , is an important contribution to the popularity of many  blogs. However, blog owner or auther often moderate and filter online comments to remove hate speech or other offensive content. Most blogs are primarily textual, although some focus on art ( atr blogs ) , photographs  (photoblogs) , videos vdei blogs or ''vlogs'' music (MP3 blogs), nad audio (podcasts). In education, blogs can be used as intructional resources. These blog are refferd to as edublogs. Microblogging is another type of blogging, Featuring very short posts.

    'BLOG' and "BLOGGING"" are loosely used for content creation and sharing on social media, especially when the content is long-form and one craets and shares content on regular basis. So, one could be maintaning a blog on facebookor blogging on instagram.

    On february 20,2014, there were over 156$ million public  blogs in existence. On February 20, 2014 , there were around 172 million Tumblr and 75.8 million Wordspress blogs in exstence worldwide. According to critics and other does not offer public statistics. Technorati lists. 1.3 million blogs as of February 22,2014.

    The term ''weblog'' was  coined by Jorn Barger On December 17,1997. The short from, Blog," was coined by Peter Merholz, who joikingly broke the word weblog into the phrase we blog in the sideber of his blog in April  or  May 1999. Shortly thereafter , Evan Williams at Pyra Labs used ''blog'' as both a noun and vrb (''ti blog,'' meaning ''to edit one's weblog or to post to one's weblog'') and devised the term ' blogger'' in conncction with Pyra Labs' Blogger product,leading to the popularization of term .

    Before blogging became popular, digital communities took many form incliding Usenet, commercial online service such as Genie , Byte Infoemation Exachange ( BIX) and the ealry compuserve, e-mail lists, and bulletin Board System (BBS). In the 1990s, Inetrnet forum software created runnning conversation with ''threads''. Threads are topical connection between meassage on a virtual ''corkboard''. From June 14, 1993, Mosaic communication Corporation maintain their 'What's New'' List of new websites, updates daily and archived monthly. The page was accessible by a special ''What New'' button in the Mosic web browers.

    The earliest intance of  acommerical blog was on the first business to consumers  Web site craeted in 1995. by Ty, Inc., which featurd a blog in section called ''Online Diary''. The entris were maintained by featured Beanie Babies that were voted for monthly by Web site visitors.

    The modern blog evolved from the online diary , where people would keep a running account  of the events in their personal lives. Most such writers called themselves diarists, journalists, or journalers. Justin Hall, who began  personal blogging in 1994 while a student at Swarthmore College, is generally recongnized as one of the earlier blggers. As is Jerry Pournelle. Dave Winer's Scripting News is also craetited with being one of the older and longer running weblogs. The   Australian Netguide maintained the Daily Net News on their web aite from 1996. Daily Net News ran links and daily reviews, mostly in Australia.

    Another early blogs was Wearable  Wireless  Webcame, an online shared diary of a person's personall life combining text , digital video, and digital pictures transmitted live from a wearable computer and Eye Tap device to a web site in 1994. This practice of semi-automated blogging with llive video together with was reffred to as sousveillam]nce, and such journals were also as evidence in legal  matters. Some early bloggers, such as The Misanthropic Bitch, who began in 1997, actually referred to their online presence as a zine, before the term blog entered common usage.

    Early blogs were simple manually updated components of common Websites. In 1995, the ''Online Diary'' on the Ty, Inc. Web site was produced and updated manually before any blogging programs  were avalible. Posts were made to appear in reverse chronological order by manually updating text appearance  of a live diary that contained multiple newe entries per day. At the beginning of each new day, new diary entries were manually coded into a new HTML fike, and the start of each month, diary entries were archived into its own folder which contained a separed HTML page for every day of the month. Then menus that contained links o the most recent diary entry were updated manually throughout the site. This text-basewd method of organizing thousand of files served as a springboard to define blogging style that were captured by blogging software development years later.

    The evolution of electronic and software tolls to facilitate the producation and maintenance of Web article posted in reverse chronological order made the published process feasible to a much larger and less technically-inclined population. Ultimately, this resulted in the distinct class of online published that produced blogs we recognize today. For intance, the use of some sort browers based software is now a typical aspect of ''blogging''. Blogd can be hosted by dedicated blog hosting services, on regular web hosting serices, or run using blog software.

    Rise in popularity
     After a slow start, blogging rapidlt gained in popularity. Blog usage apread during 1999 and the years following, being further popularized by the near-simultaneous arrival of the first hosted blog tools;

    . Bruce Ableson launched Open Diary in october 1998, which soon grew to thousands of online diaries. Open Diary innovated the reader comment, becoming the first blog community where readers could add comments to others writer's blog entries.

    . Brad Fitzpatrick stated Live Journal in march 1999.

    . Andrew Smales created in july 199 as an easier alternative to maintaning a ''newas page'' on a Web site, followed by Diary Land in September 1999, focusing more on a personal diary community.

    . Evan Wlliams and Meg Hourihan ( Pyra Labs ) launched in August 1999( purchased bi Google in February 2003).

    ( share and care )


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