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How to Improve Mind Power

    Humans are fortunate in that we  have brain plasticity--the ability to change and grow new brain cells by keeping your mind and body stimulated. And a small amount of effort to improve how to cultivated cognitive function has disproportionately large positive payoffs, so read on to leran on to how to cultivate  your brain power.

    *Exercising Your Brain:
  1. Learn new skills . By learning new skills, you keep your brain engaged and challenged, which can build new neural connections and improve connections and improve your congnitive functions.

  2. . Learning a new language is an excellent way to expand way to your mind. It will force your brain to work in ways it isn't accustomed to and help you se the world around you from a new Linguistic prespective.

    . Trying new activities or honnies can also help keep your brain tuned up. Look for opportunities to learn how to do new things, like talking ballroom dance, a martial art, a aewing class, or a writing workshop.

    . Play games. Playing new games with friends or family ,particularly more intensive games like chess or cribbage, can help you and enchance your cognitive abilities.

  3. Cultivate curiosity: don't accept things as they are. Instead, learn to constantly question things-even things that seem obvious or basic.
  4. .Deliberately seek out thiungs that are new different. While it may be tempting to avoid rather than pursue things that are starnge or different- new foods or dining style, new rligious ceremonies, new neighborhoods, etc,-- your brain builds new and more diverse.Connections challenges to your ideas, beliefs, and expreriences.

  5. Read. Reading engages your brain as well as your imaginatin and is an excellent way to learn new things and to learn to seen people, places, things, and ideas in new and difrrent ways.

  6. . Seek out readings that's ate least mopdererately challenging in terms of its vicabulary content, or ideas. Look for readings that can only garnt you access tonew knowledge, but allow you to explore new and different ideas, perspectives, and beliefs as ewll.

  7. Do brain games and puzzle: There  are all kinds of games available designed to keep your barin limber and fit. Look around , experiment, and find what works for you.

  8. . The old standbys of crossword puzzle and logic games have been around foe some tome, and they persists today because they work- they're excellent ways to cahllenges and expand your thinking skills.

    . Newer alternatives for cahllenging your brain are available online and as smatphone apps. Manny sites offer games desingned to keep your mind active and engaged , so rather than spend your downtime cat browsing cat pictures, consider trying a virtual brain-game.

  9. Focus and review. Commit to focusing closely on learning and improving your thinking. When you come across a new ideas or fact, focus on learning about it and committing it to memory. Then, periodically go back over the new ideas and facts you've learned and rehearse them to yourself.

  10. . Revisiting new information thisways-particularly soon after learning-- is key to incorporating it in a ,eaningful and lasting ways into your memory.
    . It may seem trivial, but it turns out that just making uo your mind to focus and commit to a new idea will help you ratein it.

  11. Write things down--longhand : Research has shows that wriring down new information lonhhand helps you integrate it ,ore thoroughly and recell it more easliy.

  12. . For example, while listening to new information to new in a meeting, conference, or class , write out the most important information. Be sure to write legibly and to review what you're witen down afterwards to help it fixed in your mind.

     (share and care )


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