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  1. Engage in leadership : pursue opportunities to lead using your skills.  Being a leader creates values in the skills you've developed and authority in your knowledge and experience. If people look up to you as a leader, they may expect, to make decisions, and to handle difficult situations. Having these role can help you approach things in different ways and consider things in a consider things in a new perspective. If you have an idea, don't wait for someone else to step up, go to it!
  2. . Offer to oversee volunteer opportunities or organize a toy drive for children. You can step up at work and take on additional responsibilities or create new programs.

  3. Be a mentor. Mentoring else who shares your interests is a great way to approach your interested in a new way. You have a role as a teacher and guide, which means you have opportunities to creativity approach learning in new ways.
  4. . Knowing that others are watching you or looking up to can push you to do great work.

  5. Engage in some friendly competition. Feeling competitive is both natural and healthy. Competition can also help us grow. Engage is some friendly competition with someone else who shares your skills.
  6. . Compete to sell the most painting in a month or create the most original desing.
    . Find a business competitor and ask if there's interest for a short-term competition.

  7. Balance criticism. It's easy to forget all the overwhelming positive feedback when you receive one negative comment. Keep in mind your passion for using your skills, and keep trying. Approach criticism as onstructive, listen to what is said, listen to what is said, don't be defensive, and realize that failure always accompanies risk.
  8. . Realize that sometimes people are just mean. Take negative feedback with a grain of salt, see what can be improved, and move on.
  9. Join an organization. This can be a geart way to network and to keep up-to-date in your field. Whether it's a professional organization or a hobby conversation, joining with other people in a formal setting   


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