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Making a Great First Impression

    It Takes just glance, maybe three seconds,for someone to evalute you when you meet for the frist time. In this short time, the other person froms an opinion about you based on your appearance, your body language, your demeanor, your mannerisms, and how you are dressed.

    With  every new encounter, you ae evaluated and yet another person's impression of you is formed. These first impression can be nearly impossible to reverse or undo, and they often set the tone for the relationship that follows.

    So, it's essential that you know that you to create a great first impression. This aerticle provides some useful tips to help you do this.

    How to Create a Good First Impression
  1. Be on Time

  2. Someone you are meeting for the first time will not be interested in your ''good excuse'' for running late. Plan to arrive a few minute early, and allow flexibility for possible delays in traffic or taking a wrong turn. Arriving early is much better that arriving late, and is the first toward creating a great first impression.

  3. Present Yourself Appropriately

  4. Of course physical appearance matters. The person you are meeting for the first time doesn't know you, your appearance is usually the first clue or she has to go on.

    But, don't worry! This doen't mean that you need to look like a model to create  a strong ans positive first impression. ( Unless you are interviewing with your local model agency, of course!)

    NO. The Key to a good impression is to present youirself appropriaately.

     They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and si the ''picture'' you first present needs to dermonstrate who you are to the person you are meeting.

    First, think the way that you dress. Ways that you dress. What is the appropraite dress code for the meeting or occasion?  In a business setting. What is the appropriate business attire? If your contact is in the creative arts or the  music industry a pinstrip business suit may not strike the right note!

    For business and social meetings, appropriate dress also varies between countries and cultures, so it’s something that you know thw traditions and norms by reading up on the difrrent culture norms in our section on Manging Around the World.

  5. Be Yourself

  6. As the saying goes, '' Smile and the wourld smiles too.'' So there's nothing like a smile to craete a good first impression. A warm and confident smile will to greate first impressios. But don't go overboard with this- people who take this too far can seem insincere and smarmy.

  7.  Be Open and confident

  8.  When it comes to making a good first impression, body language can often can often speak londer than words.

    Use your body language to project appropriate confidence and self-assurance. Stand tall,  smile ( of course ), make eye contact , qreet with a frim handshake . All of this will help you to project confidence and encourage both you and the other person to feel more at ease.

    Almost everyone gets a little nervous when meeting someone  for the time. But this can lead to unwanted side effects, such as nail biting, the ''jitters'' or sweaty palms. By being aware of your nervous habits, you can try to keep them in check. See our article on relaxation techniques for help with this.

  9. Use Small Talk

  10. Conversations are based on verbal give and take. It may help you to prepare questions some questions for the persons tou are him or her. For intance, does he play golf ? Does he work with a local charitable foundation? Do you have anything in common with him ? If so, can be a great way to open the conversation and to keep if flowing.

  11. Be positive

  12. Your attitude shines through in everthing you do. So, project a positive attitude, even in the face of criticism or in the case of nervousness. Strive to learn from your meeting and to contribute appropriately. Finally, shows that you are approachable by maintaning an upbeat manner and smiling!

  13. Be Courteous and Attentive

  14.  It goes without saying that good manners and polite, attentive and couteous behavior help make a good first impression. In fact, anything less can ruin the one chance that you have at making that first imorassion. So be on your best behaviour!

     Set aside modern day distractions, for intance. By turning off your mobile phone so that you can give the person your full attention. And don't get sidetrached by other people. After all, what kind of first impression would you crate if you are more interesred in talking to someone else? You new acquaintance deserve 100 percent of your attention. Anything less and you you'll likely make them feel unimportant or even irritated.

    Key  points
    You have just a few second to make a good first impression and it's almost impossible to cahnge it once it's happened. So it's worth giving each new encounter your best shot.

     You can do this by following these eight strategies:

  15. Be on time .

  16. Present yourself appropriately.

  17. Be yourself.

  18. Have a wining smile.

  19. This  site teaches you the skills you need for a happy and successful career; and this is just one of many tools and resources that you'll find here at Mind Tools. Subscribe to our free newsletter, or joint the Mind Tools Club and realy superchange your career!


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