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The 10 Physical skills Every Man Should Master.

What It Mean to truly Be Physically Skilled
While it's true that many physical movement are instinctual, and that men can do them effectively, simply being able to get a job done is no the same things as doing that job well; having an aptitude for something is not same things as being skilled in it.

I can whittle the end of a stick into a sharp point, but that aptitude for carving does not make me a master woodworker.

Likewise, it's possible to be both phsically effect, without being physically proficeint and efficient. That is , you can possess the ability to perform certain movements well enough to get by, without having refind your technique' You can be well-conditioned and have strengh and endurance in spades, wikhout being adept at moving in ways that enchace fluidity, conserve energy, and minimize injury.

 It's also possible to achieve functional fitness without achieving adaptable fitness.

Program like CorssFit have valuably brought the former category to the fore, and encouvraged folks to exercise their bodies in ways tjat aren't limited to using Nautilus machines and dimbbells.But even these "functional"  workout are relatively limited and cricrumscribed in scope. They don't entirely translate to the environmental and situational demands one faces outside one faces the metaphorical and literal box.

You can do a bunch of play box jumps in the gym, but how many landings could you sticks in nature , where rocks and ledges don't have a uniform shape, height, or surface? You can carry a sandbag back and forth across a parking lot, but would you be able to carry another person uphill, and over obstacles and debris? You can lift a barbell, but can you lift and shoulder a thick, rough, uneven log? You cn run a mile on a treadmill in an air-conditioned enviroment, but can you run in the wind and the rain - in sweltering heat and frigid cold?

The goal for a man's physicality should eschew narrowness in favour of an expansivencess that incorporates all of these qualities ; effectivness and efficieny ' fitness and proficieny; functionality and adaptability.

A man should be able not only to perform a wide range of movements, but to do so with the best possible technique; the should be able to perform not a high quantity of movements, but a high quality of them as well. He should not only be able to move, but to move with fitness. And he should be able to perform such movement not only within a gym, but in a variety of terrains, enviriment, and weather cinditions, across a wide range of surfaces , height, and conditions, across a wide of surfaces, heights , and distabes.

Gaining mastery in all these ares is these areas is to becaome phyisically well-rounded, or as the MovNat ( ''natural movement'') system from which the above philosophy derives , put it goal should be to gain. ''phyisical compentance for practical preformance''.

The Practice of Phyisicality

Phyisical movements are skills and like all skills, they require practice to master; you may have been with a nature aptitude for certain movements, but that potential  then needs to be intentionally honed and sharpened. A man's body is both toll and master; with the right level of discipline, knowledge, and dedicated practice, it can be put to an extraordinary, and even inspiring, number of uses.

Practicing physical skills is like oracticing any ather skills in that strive master th very fundamentals, and from there strive to  steadily increase the level of difficulty you can handle. This require working in the following areas.

.Technique: Technique involve  midfully  using the best body position, from, tension, breathing, etc. to execute a movement efficiently - in a way that6 expends less energy, increase speed/ endurance/ strenght capacity, and prevents injury.

.Variations: physical skills have many variation that call for varied techniques; for example, you can jump either vertically or horizontally; you can crawl with your with belly on the ground or up on hands knees. The more variations you master, the more skilled you become in that movement.

Volume and Intensity:  It's one thing to be able to perfrom a physica skill for one , or at a short distance. But true physical competence means possessing the ability to go short or long, easy or hand, hard or heavy.

Enviromental/Situatinal Demands: incresing the complexity of the environment in which you practice physical skills- training on varous surfaces, heights, and even in various mental states- makes states- mental performing a physical movement more challenging and the skill you earn in that area more adaptable.

Now that youknow physical skills must be practiced, and how they are practiced, the next question, of course, is what set of skills you ought to be practicing.

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