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    Have you ever noticed that people act diffrently around you? Like that're just not themselves?
    It's not they don't like you. it's  quite the opposite.

    You see, your personality is so strong and unique that they don't know how to handle you.

    Most of us deal with we can immedialty get- people we can put nto a ''box''.

    But you are unique.You know you are and what you want in this world. Some people call it authenticity. Other call it depth.

    But the truth is, evryone want to be like you. Staying true to yourself is one the most liberating ways to live.

    I mean, who wouldn't want to be liberated from limiting chains of society's stereotypes?

    So if you find that people don't know how to at around you, you many identify wih these ten singns of people wih a unique personality ( that eveyone secrectly admires.)

  1. Your Life isn't-driven

  2. We all experience fear. For some people , it destroyed their ability to try new things and experience life fully.

    But you are unique. For you, fear is just another emotions you're learnrd to accept You know you're going to experience fear when you try something new.

    But you also know that growth only when you escape your comfort zone.

    The bottom line is this:

    Fear will never stop you. You know it's your greatest stepping stone to grow beyond your current self. It's called resilience.

  3. You don't waste your time on gossiping

  4. We've all met the person who thrives on gossiping about others. It's like they get a thrill from complaining.

    But you find this toxic.

    There's way too much you must you must to expriennce in this to focus on petty issue Like who's dating who and that people you find annoying.

    You'd rather have deep conversations.

     You only get a life once,. So why not talk about th magnificence of the universe asnd life itself?

  5. You love to listen and leanr about other people

  6. Learning is what gets your juices flowing. And when you learn about someone else, it makes you felel like you're entering a whole new beautiful and complex world.

     This makes you a fantastic coneversationlist because the other person feels like they're the only person on the planet at the time.

    This immediately puts others at ease and makes them cofortable.

     You know that too many people's egos drive conversations. But when oyou're in a conversation, egos are checked at the door.

  7. You are carefll about who you let into your life

  8. Yo won't rely on other people to tell you who are, what you are what you can do.

    Youknow exactly what's essentail and who's important inh your Life.

    If someone is going to give condescending advice, you just won't have it.

    For you, life is better with optimistic and positive people that push each other to be the best that can be.

  9. You can't stand intensitiity, idiocy or ignorance

  10. Your self-taught knowleage is something you're immenesely pround of.

    So when people make instant judgment about people and thing they don't know anything about, it irks you yo your core.

    You've put time into your brain and you encourage others to do the same.

    In a world of Google and algorithmic newsfeeds you have no control over, you know that thinking for yourself is one of the most imoportant qualities one can have know that thinking for yourself is one of the most imporatnt qualities one can have.

  11. You don't need attention

  12. Craving attention because of your looks or atayus is something you just can't undersatnd.

    You know it's superficial,
    Fleeting and ultimately meaningless.

    You'd rathger be recongnized for your complexity and depth. That's why you take the time to get to know someone. You know there's so much more to person than what appears on the surface.

  13. You take insecurity as an opportunity

  14. You know you're not perfect. You know that nobody is.

    The only thing doing is learning and evolving, despite the risk of looking like a foll.

    You know that evrybody is in secure. But you also know that not everone has to stop this insecurity from letting them live their life and own the thing the're uncertain about.

    Sure, your depth and authenticity can be difficult to be around for some people, but that's only because they can't put into a stereotypical box.

    The truth is , you're someone they secretly admire because you're broken the handcuffs of society that doesn't want you to be all that you can be .

    You're living your life the way you  want; and it's inspiring for anyone that's luckly enough to join you on your journey.

  15. You can't sand small talk

  16. For you,small talk is boring, superffffficial and meaningfulness. That's why you struggle to pay attention when when someone tries to small talk with you.

    '''How bad is the weather at the moment?"'  Please! You've got profound things on your mind.

    You want to know what aomeone's purpose in life is. What makes them tick. What do they think they look uo at the night sky.

    The proble is, a lot of people love small talk. They trive on it. They engage in it as much they can as they go about their day.

    So when they come across you, they know that you're different. Perhaps you come off as a little rude, or supeior. But it's not uyour faoult. You want to truly know someone for who they are. You certainly don't care if someone's day was ''good''

     That's why your personality is profound and unique.

  17. To you, beauty more than skin ndeep

  18. We all know what society's standard of beauty is - thin, beautiful, bright-eyed stunners. But for you, appearance doen't mean anything.

    Afetr all, how look says nothing about your experience, you past, your deepest thoughts and what your purpose in life is.

    In your eyes, apperance is meaningless, and it risk you yo your core that so mkuch focus is put on people's looks in this capitalerialist society.

    Do you know what beauty is to you? A soul. A  soul that has been throught cahllanges, tribulations, suffering, and yrt, is still here to tell the story. That's true beauty.

  19. You love learning and exapnding your mind.

  20. Let's gface it: Most people hate learining . It's a mental efforts, it's annoying, and they'd much rather watch TV and let their mind melt.

    But for you, learning is what gives you energy. You love to export your mind with fact's wisdom, and experience from people who hate truly throught all the ups and downs that life has to offer.

    Watch Netflix? Nah, you'd rather a book from Confucius or Buhha on what it mans to live a life of purpose.

    The probvle is, most people aren't like you. They don't care about intellectu7al topics, and they'd rather focus on banality.

    That's why most people sruggle to get you. But don't fear, when you meet someone who is similar to you and loves expandind their mind., the connection between the two of you will ignite like a lightining strike that neaither one of you are prepared for..

    Please share and care


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