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Verbal communication

Verbal communiacion is the use of word to share information with other people. It can therfore incliude both spoken and written communication However, many people use the term to describe only spoken words that you choose, and hoe they7 are heard and interpreted.

This page focuses on spoken communication. However, the choice of word can be equally -if not morte-important in written communication, where there is little or no non-verbal communication to help with the interprtetation of the message.

What is Verbal Communication?

Verbal communication is any communication that uses words to share information with others. These words may be both spoken and written.

Communication is a two-way process
Communication is about passing information from  one person to another. This means that both the sending and the receiving of the message are equally important.

Verbal communication therefore requires both a speking 9or written0 to transmit the message, and a listener 9or reader0 to make sense of the message. This page discusses both parts of the process.

There are a large number of different verbal communication skillls. They range from the Obvious 9being able to speak cleary, or listening, for example0, to the more subtle 9such as reflecting and clarifying-0. This page provides a summary of these skills, and shows where you can find out more.

It is import ti remember that effective verbal communication  cannot  be fully isolated from non-verbal communication; your body language, tone of voice, and facia expressions, for example.

Clarity of speech, remaining calm and focussed, being polite and following aome basic rules of etiquette will all aid the process of verbal communication.

Opening Communication

In amny interpersona;l encounters, the first few minutes are extremely important, First impression have a significant imapct on the success of further and suture communication.

When you frist someone, you from an instant impression of them, based on how tjhey look, sound and behavee, as well as anything you may have heard about trhem from other people.

This frist impression guides you future communicatios, at least to some extent.

For example, when you meet someone and hear them speak, you from a jugement about their backgroung, and likely level of ability and understanding. This might well cahnge what you say. If you hear a forteign accent, for example, you might decide that you need to use simpler languahe. You might also realise you will need to listen more carefullt to ensure that you understand what are saying  to you.

Of course your frist impression may be revised later. You should ensure that you consciously'update' your thinking when you receive new information about your contact and as you get to know them better.

Basic Verbal Communication Skills: Effective Speaaking and Listening
Effective speaking involves three ares: the words you choose, hoe say them, And hoe you reinforce them other non-verbal communiaction.

All these affect the transmission of your message, and how it is received and understood by your audience.

It is worth considering your choice of words carefully. You will probably need to use different words in difrrent situations, even when discussing the same subjct for exapmle, what you say to a close colleague will be very different from how you present a subject at a major confrence.

How you speak include s your tone of voice and pace. Like non-v erbal communiaction more gernally, these send important message to your mesassage to yourlevel you are nervous about their reaction.

Please share and care


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