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What are Behavioural skills

What is mean by behavioural skills?

Behaviour al skills refer to the reflect ability of the individual in realation to the charateristics of the situation he or she may come up againts.

This ability may be organisational when the individual reacts in relation to the quality of his or her work,. e.g. prioritising, anticipating ,checking, etc.), social or interpersonal;, when the person reacts to others and establishes relationships, e.g negotiating, discussing, corperating, etc.), or emotion and phychological (when the individual reacts to him or herself and his her own limits, e.g .: adapting, taking training, etc.)

Behavioral skills: a resource to call upon as part of the skills-based approach
The skills-based approach centres its learning mechanism around the skills required I a given context.
It is those skills that will determine the choice of goals to pursue in tyraining and of the contents to be covered .

To tyrain someone to develop their skills is to help the learner to build, in a sustainable manner, his/her ability to perform the activities that make up trade, and to deal with the realities and situations they may come across in exercising it.

Implementing a skills-based approach has a direct effect on the development of training programmes, and the letter will revolve around the skills that need to be acquired for each trade. Similarly , this has an effect on the monitoring of applicants, which will have to be designed is such a way that it can verfiy that those skills are truly acquired.
The skill-based approach also anable the behavioural akills essentail for the trade to be concretely identified.


To fing out more,see the Methodological giude for trainers.

(please share and care)\


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