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Examples of Personality Traits

    Before you can define who you are, you have to first understand some examples of personality traits. These can be determined by our actions, attitudes and behaviors. To help you discover your own personal traits ask yourself the following questions.

    . How would I described myself?

    . What brought me joy as a child?

    . What brings me joy now?

    . What's my biggest accomplishment?

    . What's my biggest dream/

    . What's my biggest fear/

    By popping open your journal and recording the answers to these questions, you can use the information to discover your true personality. Let's dive a little bit deeper.


    Examples of positive Personality Traits

     Some, if not most, of your personality traits are likely to be positive. For example:

    . Being honest and taking responsibility for your actions are admirable qualities.

    . Adaptability and compatibility are great traits cab help you get along with others.

    . Drive and determination will help you keep going no matter what.

    . Compassion and understanding mean you relate well to others.

    . Patience is a virtue also a good personality trait.

    . Courage will help you do what's right in tough situations.

    . Loyalty is a good quality to posses, making others trust you.

    Here is a list of positive adjectives that can help you describe personality traits;









    Discreet- Optimistic








    Examples of Negative Personality Traits

    What would life be without balance? Whether we like to admit it or not, some of our personality traits are also likely to be negative:

    . A propensity for lying, in order to avoid responsibility for our actions, is a deplorable quality.

    . Being rigid and selfish, unyielding to the needs of others are not endearing qualities.

    . Being full of laziness and excuses is sure to drive others away, too.

    . An inability to empathize with others will also alienate us fro others.

    . Being quick to anger will turn people away.

    . Being disloyal, quick to talk about behind their backs or, worse, stab them in the back for personal gan also falls high on the scale of negative personality traits.

    Here is a list of negative adjectives that may describe aspects of personalities from time to time.















    Determining Personality Types

    There are many different types. According to the Myers-briggs Type Indicator, there are sixteen different types. It's unlikly that a person would fit into to a single mold, but it is interesting to see which ''mold'' we tend towards.

    Your personality types can be determine by many factors. One way to discover your personality type is to approach it scientifically. Test yourself online or ask a psychologist or therapist to analyze you.

    In psychology, there are five factor that determine personality traits. The big five faactors are:

  1. Openners: appreciation for a variety of experiences.
  2. Conscientiousness: planning ahead rather than bieng spontaneous.
  3. Extraversion: being sociable, energetic and talkactive.
  4. Agreeableness: being kind, sympathetic and happy to help.
  5. Neuroticism: Inclined to worry or be vulnerable or tempermental.

    Your personality test will access hoe much of each of the big five factors you posses. This will help you gain more insight into your internal experience so you can make sense of your own thoughts and behaviors.


    How  do I crate my personality ?

    Your personality is set by no one but you. It encompasses the actions you take and the decision you make. Either you are a patient person or not, a responsible person or not. Try asking yourself some searching questions to discover just what kind of person you are, such as: ''if you found an animals hurt and alone, what would you do/'' or ''if you won the lottery how would you spend your time and money?''

    You many not be change your personality type, but you can change aspects of your personality by taking determine, active steps to become a more balanced person. Taking up a hobby is a great way to become a well-rounded individual. Sport can help you learn teamwork, arts and crafts can make jyou more patient, volunteering can help you become more caring. Even just reading a book can expand your horizons and push you to be better.


      How can My Personality Affect Others?

    Being positive and upbeat can influence everyone around you, and  so can negativity. For example, a friend  to a Stranger can brighten up their day, just as a glare can cause their mood to drop. Bar in mind the famous Bible quote from Jeus of Nazareth, ''Do unto others as you would have them do to you''.

    While you may not be able help if it you are having a bad day, or if don't like doing a particular task, changing your attitude changes everything. Complanning and sulking will only make time drag when doing an unpleasant job. Instead, try to shift your thoughts and redirect your mind. Bieng a more pleasant your mind. Being more pleasant person helps everyone.


    Be All You can BE

    Understanding these examples of personality traits is a great way start your journey toward self-discovery. Make a concerted effort to fill to fill up that journal with evocative questuions and answers. Make the investment and mold yourself into the best possible version of yourself. If you're up for the challenge, you can make positive changes to your personality.

    And, if it's your goal to become an award-winning short story writer, your characters will be all the more complex, based on your deep understanding of yourself and others.


    (please share and care)




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