Presentation skills
Presenting information clearly
effectively is a key skill in getting your
message across. Today, presentation
skills are required in almost every field,
and most of us required to give
presentation on occasions. While some
people take this in their stride, others
find it much more challenging.
Many people feel terrified when asked
talk in public, especially to bigger
groups. However, these fears can be
reduced by good preparation, which in Will also lay the around work for making an effective presentation.
These can all be considered
They, so not, however all require the
same approach. You would not, for
example use Powerpoint to thank a
colleague who was leaving. It would be
unusual (though it has been done) to
use it in a speech at a wedding.
However, a conference audience qould
be somewhat surprised NOT to see
slides projected onto a screen.
It follows, therefore, that there is no
single set of rules that apply to all
presentations. There are however
some things that every presentation
opportunity has in common. These
included.You will present better if you have
prepared effectively.
This does NOT necessarily mean that
you have written out your speech
verbatim and rehearsed it however,
mean that you have to be confident
that you are saying the right thing. In
the right way. To the right people.
You need to be clear about your
audience and your message.
Every presentation will be better if you
have clearly considered the message
that you want or need to convery. And
how best ot convey it to your audience.
These two piece of information deive
your style, structure, content and use
of visual aids.
You must never overrun your allocated
In other words, don’t outstay your
welcome. Almost every speech or
presentation is better if it shorter.
Nobody minds going for coffee early
finishing before they expected to do
so. Everybody minds being held up.
Generally speaking, you audience starts
on your side.
As a rule, your audience is there (more
or less) voluntariliy. They have chosen
to listen to you, and they want to enjoy
your presentation. The occasion is
yours to lose.
When you present, you are in charge of
the room.
The audience has effectively handed
you control and is sitting back waiting
for you do something. You may have
prepared a specific talk, if you see that
isn’t working. You can always change it.
You are, after all, the expert.
You can , for example.
Skip though some slides to a section
that they may find more interesting.
Ask you audience whether there is
particular information that they
were expecting that you are not
Suggest that everyone looks a bit
sleepy, and maybe it would be
better to start questions early. Or
have a discussion or
Ask the audience at the start of the
presentation what they are
expecting and what they want oyu
to cover. That way, you can tailor
the presentation to fit their
Just as when you are facilitating, you
want to help your audience get the
most out of your presentation. The
best way to do that is to accept
feedback-which may include smiles,
nods of interest, or people getting their
phones out.
What is presentation?
The formal Presentation of information
is divided into two broad categories.
Presentation Skills and Personal
These two aspects are interwoven and
can be described as the preparation.
Presentation and practice of verbal and
non-verbal communication.
This article describes what a
presentation is and defines some of the
key ters associated with presentation
Many people feel terrified when asked
to make their first public talk. Some of
these intail fears can be reduced by
good preparation that also lays the
groundwork of making an effective
A Presentation is……
A presentation is means of
communication that can be adapted to
various speaking situations such as
taking to a group. Addressing a
meeting or briefing a team/
A presentation can also be used as a
broad term that encompasses other
‘Speaking engagements. Such as
making a speech at a wedding or
getting a point across in a video
To be effective. Step-by-step
preparation and the method and
means of presenting the information
should be carefuly considered.
A presentation requires you to get
message across to the listerns and will
often contain a “persuasive” element. “
It may, for example. Be a talk about the
positive work of your organization.
What oyu could offer an employer. Orwhy you should receive additional
funding for a project.
The key Elements of a Presentation
Making a presentation is a way of
communicating your thoughts and
ideas to an audience and many of our
articles on communication are also
relevant here. See what is
Communication For more.
What is communication?
Communication is simply the act of
transferring information form one
place, person or group to another.
Every communication involves (at
least) one sender, a messages and a
recipient. This may sound simple. But
communication is actually a very
complex subject.
The transmission of the message form
sender to recipient can be affected by a
huge range of things. These included
our emotions. The culture situation.
The medium used to communicate.
And even our location. The complexity
is why good communication skills are
considered so desirable by employers
around the world. Accurate effective
and unambiguous communication is
actually extremely hard.
This page explains more about what we
mean by “Communication”
Defining Communication.
As this definition makes clear,
communication is more than simply
the transmission of information. The
term requires of success in transmitting
or imparting a message. Wehter
information. Ideas. Or emotions.
A communication therefore has three
parts, the sender, the message, and the
The sender “encodes’ the message,
usually in a mxture of words and non-
verbla communication. It is transmitted
in some way )(for example. In speech
or writing) and the recient “decodes”
Of course, there may be more than one
recipient. And the complexity of
communication means that wach one
may receive a slightly message. Two
people may read very different things
into the choice of words and or body
It is also possible that neither of them
will have quite the same understanding
as the sender.
In face-to-face communication, the
roles of the sender and recipient are
not distinct. The two roles will pass
back and forwards between two
people talking. Both parties
communicate with each other, even if
in very subtile ways such as through
eye contact (or lack of) and general
body language. In written
communication however, the sender
and recipient are more distinct.
Categories of Communication.
There are a wide range of ways in
which we communicate and more than
one may be occurring at any given
The different categories of
communication include.
Spoken or Verbal communication:
Which included foace – to –face,
telephone radio or television and other
Non –verbal Communication: covering
body language, gestures, how we dress
or act, where we stand, even our scent.
There are many ways that we
communicate (perhaps even
unitetionally) with others. For example,
the tome of voice can give clues to
mood or emotional state, whilst have
signals or gestures can add to a spoken
Written Communication.: Which
includes letters, e-mails, social media,
books magazines, the Internet and
other media. Until recent times, a
relatively small number of writers and
publishers and were very powerful
when it came to communicating the
written word. Today, we can all write
and publish our ideas online. Which
has led to explosive of information and
communication possibilities.
Visualizations: graphs and charts maps,
logos and other visualizations can all
communicate messages.
Thanks for gives valuable time to our
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