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When is the best time to study/ Morning, noon or night?


If you are a student, studying is part and parcel of your life. It takes practice and practice to establish the best time for you t to study. For some people, mornings. Are better for study while for others. Evenings or night time enables to focus better on their studies.

According to the science of "good timing" -also as chronobiology -peak performance is hardwired into our DNA. Our biological clock. Which is an inner clock embedded inside our brain since young. Actually hels us decide when is our perfect timing for studying. Although new discoveries prove that timing may not be everthing, it is importanat if you want to creat and perform at your best consistently.

That said, science has indicated that learning is most effective between 10 am to 2 pm and form 4 pm to 10 pm, when the brain is in an acquisition mode. On the other hand, the least effective learning time is between 4 an and 7 am. While there is really no one best time of the day to study. Let's take a look at the benefits of studying in the morning versus the others times of the day.

Studying in the Morning.

Most people would think that morning. Is the best time to study as our brians tend to be sharpests in the morning after a refreshing. Night's sleep and breakfast. The natraul light available is aslo good for your eyes and keep your alert. This period is great for opening a textbook to learn a new theory. Or just reviewing your lectures's notes form the previous because mornings generally gives you a better recollation ability.

Studying in the Afternoon

In the afternoon, student's brians are good intergrating new information with what the already know. During this time of day. Students are bale to create connection and make the information they have learned more meaningful.

Mornings and afternoons are better for studying if you get stuck midway through your study, you can always call your peers or teachers to clarify qucikly. As it is time view people are most active, or even visit the library for more information.

Studying at Night

For some students, they have more energy later in the day. Hence, the evening or night time is a more effective time for them real nad study. Stydying at this time also hwlps to improve your concentration and creativity as there are fewer distractions. And with everyone in bed. There is deficitely peace and quiet. Sleeping after studying is also said to consolidate information and improve recell. One thing to note thouhg. Do make sure you still get average of 8 to 9 hours of seep nighty.

Firstly. When are you most alert? Think about that, but different qucalities of memories and alertness seems to be better at different times of the day for different people. For example can have a abtter cisual memeory in the mornings. But your critcal thinking ability peaks in the might disrupt your routine, it is best to find another timing. Lasalty, make sure you selected tha you stick to consisteblty. Al least for a few days every week because consisteny helps ensure you study daily and improves the quility of your time.

Just like each students ahs a unique learning style, different students may learn better at different times of the day. But if you study at the same time every dau, you will coniditon mind and body gradually and soon. You will be in your best frame of mind for study. Onces you know what works best for yourself, you can start your studying routine more effectively and efficiently.

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