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How to look handsome and attractive person

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:
Caring for Your Personal Hygiene

  1. 1
    Take a daily shower to clean your body. Try to bathe in the morning or evening each day so stay clean and hygienic throughout the entire day. Use a good-smelling body wash and shampoo, and scrub your entire body well with a washcloth or loofah. Focus on areas that tend to get the most dirty or smelly, such as your armpits, feet, and groin so you stay clean.[1]
    • If you don’t have time to shower, you can wet a washcloth in the sink and scrub areas of your body that smell.
    • Change the towel and washcloth you’re using at least once a week so you aren’t spreading bacteria back on your body.
  2. 2
    Wash your face each day to help prevent breakouts and oily skin. As a teenager, you may be more prone to developing blemishes or acne on your face. Wet your face with warm water and lather an exfoliating face wash into your skin. Work the wash into your skin completely before rinsing it off with warm water. Splash your face with cold water when you’re finished to help close your pores and prevent dirt from getting in them.[2]
    • Try to wash your face at least twice a day to keep your skin healthy.
    • If you have severe breakouts or acne, you can also try benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or topical retinoids to help treat them.

    Tip: If you can only wash your face once a day, choose to wash your face at night so you can clean off all of the dirt or oils that built up throughout the day.

  3. 3
    Wear deodorant to prevent sweating and odors. Search for a deodorant that also contains an antiperspirant, which blocks sweat from forming under your arms. Rub the deodorant on your armpits 2–3 times before you put on a shirt so you can smell better and stay dry. Usually, you only need to apply deodorant once a day, but you may need to use more if you’re active.[3]
    • Keep deodorant in your backpack or locker if you’re worried about it wearing off during the day.
    • Apply deodorant right after you shower so you put it on clean skin.
  4. 4
    Brush your teeth regularly to have fresh breath and white teeth. Try to brush your teeth for 2 minutes in the morning and at night to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Work in short back and forth or circular motions on your teeth and gums. Make sure you clean all of the areas inside your mouth so you don’t leave any harmful bacteria behind.[4]
    • Use a tongue scraper to help get rid of bacteria that causes bad breath.
    • Floss between your teeth once per day to help get rid of bacteria that are stuck there.
  5. 5
    Shave or trim any facial hair for a clean-shaven, fresh look. Wet your face with warm water and work shaving cream or gel into your skin so it’s easier to cut. Pull a razor along the direction your facial hair grows so you’re less likely to develop skin irritation. Rinse your razor off regularly so it doesn’t get clogged with hair or cream. Make sure to shave all areas of your face so you don’t leave behind stray hairs.[5]
    • If you want to keep your facial hair and let it grow, use an electric trimmer or facial hair scissors so you can cut long hairs.
    • Try to stay clean-shaven if your facial hair doesn’t grow in fully or it comes in patches. That way, you still have a nice appearance without looking unkempt.
  6. 6
    Cut and style your hair so it looks clean. Find a hairstyle that you like and works well for your type of hair, and have a professional salon cut it for you. Take care of your hair by combing it regularly to get rid of tangles and washing it when you shower. Put in styling products, such as gels or pomades, to maintain the style throughout the entire day. Try a few different hairstyles to see what looks and feels the best for you.[6]
    • Some popular clean hairstyles you can try include undercutspompadoursquiffs, and crew cuts.
    • Make regular haircut appointments so your hair doesn’t look overgrown or shaggy.

Method 2
Method 2 of 3:
Looking Your Best

  1. 1
    Wear clothes that you’re comfortable in and fit you well. Try to find shirts that are tight-fitting and are snug against your body so they accentuate your features better. Look for pants that aren’t baggy at the bottoms of the legs and fit around your waist without them slipping. Try on any clothes before you buy them and check how you look in a mirror to see if it’s something that fits you well or matches your style.[7]
    • Ask for someone else’s honest opinion if you aren’t sure how an outfit looks on you.
    • Try layering your outfits to seem more stylish. For example, you may wear a T-shirt with a button-up shirt and cardigan.
    • Pay attention to fashion trends at your school or online so you can incorporate them into your outfit.
    • Don’t let other people dictate what clothes you wear. All that matters is that you find clothes that you’re comfortable and confident wearing.
  2. 2
    Put on accessories to help you seem more stylish. Common accessories you can wear include ties, watches, bracelets, necklaces, or rings. Look for items that match clothes or outfits that you already wear so you can incorporate them into your regular style. Aim to wear 1–2 accessories each day to help other people notice you more, and rotate which ones you put on so you don’t get tired of wearing the same thing all of the time.[8]
    • You don’t need to accessorize if you don’t want to.
    • Avoid wearing a lot of accessories at the same time since it could be distracting to the rest of your look.
  3. 3
    Smile more often to look approachable. People are usually attracted to smiling since they make you seem more friendly and personable. Pay attention to your facial expressions throughout the day and while you’re interacting with people to see if you’re smiling. Try to think of something that makes you happy to help make your smile feel more genuine. You can choose to smile with a closed or open mouth.[9]
    • Practice smiling in front of a mirror so you don’t feel self-conscious smiling often in public.

    Tip: Smiling can also help boost your mood and self-esteem, so try doing it whenever you’re feeling down to instantly cheer up.

  4. 4
    Maintain good posture to help you seem more confident. Keep your back and neck straight rather than hunched over. Relax your shoulders as much as you can so you don’t seem tense and push your chest out slightly to seem more muscular. If you need to check your phone, hold it up to eye level rather than bending your neck down since it can make your posture worse.[10]
    • Good posture can also prevent any aches or pains in your back or neck.
    • Check your posture in a mirror so you can see how it changes the way your body looks.
  5. 5
    Exercise on a regular basis if you want to build or tone your muscles. You can either do bodyweight exercises or use workout equipment for additional weight and resistance. Try to work out 3–4 times per week for at least 30 minutes at a time so you can burn fat and strengthen your muscles. Focus on different muscle groups, such as arms, legs, chest, back, and abs, with each workout so you stay toned and avoid overworking specific areas.[11]
    • If your school has exercise equipment, see what hours they’re available so you can use them.
    • Easy exercises you can try are push-upssit-upsarm curls, and squats.
    • Include cardio exercises, such as walking or jogging, at least 2–3 times per week in your routine.
  6. 6
    Eat healthy meals so you can stay fit. Limit the amount of sugary or salty treats you have since they can make you gain weight and don’t offer a lot of nutrients. Instead, try to incorporate more fruits, vegetables, and complex carbs so your body gets healthy vitamins and minerals. Enjoy lean proteins, such as fish, chicken, nuts, and soy, rather than those that are high in fat since they aren’t as good for you.[12]
    • Pay attention to the portion sizes of your food so you don’t overeat.
    • Stay hydrated by drinking about 6–8 fluid ounces (180–240 ml) of water each day.
    • It’s okay to have an unhealthy snack every so often, but don’t make it a regular habit.

Method 3
Method 3 of 3:
Developing an Attractive Personality

  1. 1
    Be yourself so you can have good self-esteem. Don’t try to change how you look or act just to try and impress other people since it may not come across as genuine. Try your best at everything you do and know that it’s okay if things don’t go perfectly the way you planned. Avoid comparing yourself to other people and focus on the things that you enjoy doing and make you unique.[13]
    • Surround yourself with people that make you feel good about yourself rather than people that bring you down.
  2. 2
    Act confident around others. Confident people seem more engaged and assertive, so it can make you seem more attractive to other people. When you make a decision, avoid backing out or changing your position on it randomly since it may make you seem like you’re unsure. Practice being confident by talking to people you haven’t reached out to, making eye contact, and trying new things.[14]
    • Avoid being overly apologetic since it can make you seem uncertain or anxious.
    • Don’t compare yourself to other people since you don’t know what they may also be dealing with.
  3. 3
    Treat other people politely and respectfully. Others are usually more attracted to people that are caring rather than those who are rude. Give people your full attention while you’re talking to them and avoid getting distracted. Use your manners when you’re interacting with them by using “please” and “thank you” when you need to. Try helping others out without them asking if you notice them struggling with something.[15]
    • Avoid talking about people behind their backs or making fun of them since it can make you seem uncaring.
  4. 4
    Have an optimistic attitude so you seem more positive. People who have a positive outlook on life seem more attractive than others with a negative attitude. Look at the bright side of each situation so you can find things to be happy about. Practice smiling throughout the day to make it seem like you’re happy and have a positive attitude. If you have a negative experience, focus on what you learned from it and how you can apply it to your life in the future.[16]
    • For example, if you fail a test, you can reframe it to focus on tough questions that you answered correctly. Then you can plan on studying more for future tests.
    • It’s normal to feel sad or upset sometimes, but don’t let it affect your entire mood.
  5. 5
    Focus on the other person when you have conversations. Actively listen to the other person while they’re talking by maintaining eye contact with them and nodding along with them. Try to repeat words they’ve used in the conversation to show them that you’re listening and paying attention to them. Ask the other person questions so you can get to know them better and make them feel cared about.[17]
    • Spend more time listening than trying to talk over someone else, since it can make you seem rude or self-centered.
    • Avoid bragging about things since it could be a turn-off to other people.
    • Open up to people that you trust so you can get to know them on a more personal level.
  6. 6
    Be outgoing so you’re open to trying new things. Say yes to things that you wouldn’t normally do or try a new activity that you’ve never done before so you can try something new. Look for new opportunities that you can try at your school or in your community, and give them a chance to see if you enjoy them. You can also try reaching out to new people that you haven’t talked to before and starting a conversation with them.[18]

    Tip: Don’t let other people pressure you into doing things that you’re not comfortable doing, especially if it’s illegal

  7. 7
    Look for new hobbies to seem more interesting to other people. People who have interests and hobbies they care about tend to be more attractive to others. If you already have a hobby, make sure you set aside time so you can focus on it throughout the week. If you want to find a new hobby, ask your friends what they like to do and see if you can join them. You can also look for groups or clubs at your school that sound interesting to see if it’s something that you want to learn.[19]
    • Look for a variety of different hobbies so you can learn a lot of new skills.
    • Developing new hobbies can also help you meet more people with similar interests.


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