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How to deal with strengers.


How to deal with strengers.

 (by #vikaskblog)


This has happened with the me multiple times that I got form some unknown person who given refrence form my know indirect contact.

And star direactly putting his?his needs that I want so and so thing ti be done. Can you please srat doing it now as soon as possible without even asking me about  would like to or what they would pay me to get work done work don't or working trems.


Even when I ask for payments they say.

Oh we can even pay you if you want to egt paid for that work sometimes.

 We were just thinking if you can help out on phone itself

Which means I will get nothing is there any chance of earning here as I am not aware to how act in such case?

1.       How should I handle such thing into benefit of won and they getting want they want?

2.       2. How cash in where people ask for help over phone only?

3.       Sometimes people say they will pay after they get a vikaskblogs form their prospects and never retrun to pay. So is there any secure way to paid with such?

If I received the same call and the clinet tatred barking request at me before I could even figure out to whome I was speacking I think I’d become a bit defensive.

Ø  Who are you?

Ø  What Line of business are you in?

Ø  What are you looking to accomplished-in summary?

Ø  What are your constraints time, money or quality

After these elements, I can gauage- through the speakers technical depth or lack of it what I’m dealing with, and make decision.


Anyone who rushed me to the end id going to set off some alarms. If such a prospective client went to the doctor or dentist and treid to rush directly into the examination room, the to the finer points of your systems of dertemining whether to engage with a client or not because they’re all different bi if the prospect makes you uncomfortabley back things up a bit, or trun the prospect away if necessary.


Ø  Regardless of a person is known unknown. You should do like in any project OYu connect with it discuss all details, give your estimation sert liestone take upforn (or not) and start



Ø  But you are probably askinf about situation where you do all tasks intil the estimation. And the cleints says you’re too expensive. Because of this, it is you state your hourly rate in advance so the clinet can immediately say if has money for you not.

After the client is aware of your rates and you invite him for meeting to discuss project details, 99% of fake clients will never this meetings.

And if isimply don’t want to fo your’re rates you can always be “politically (or freelancingly) correct” and say that you are overloaded with other project and you cannot accept his project.

Here’s how usually approach this sort of questions.

1.       Offer a brief consultation to see what I can to help.

2.       Inform customer that this is pre-sales support, to hammer out what I can do and for tht rate.

3.       After talking with the prospect, let the prospect, know what I am able to do and what it will cost.


This allow me to effectively avoid, saying, no, to set expectations. And to hopefully get business. IT donsen’t always work. I have had prospects walk ways because they didn’t like my recommendation only to eventually pay someone else to struggle with the way they wanted things done. And then eventually come around to seeing things my way paying someone a busch of money on a solution that didn’t pan out.


 Now maybe thec  onversation leads the prospects to do things themselves. This has happened, But the time I spenmd on it is minimal and I do get business this ways.


Share and care,


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